43. Using the 3D Paint Tool to paint textures.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

43. Using the 3D Paint Tool to paint textures.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
44. Introduction to the Rigging & Animation Process.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

44. Introduction to the Rigging & Animation Process.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
45. Creating control curves for our objects.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

45. Creating control curves for our objects.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
46. Using display layers to organize our rig.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

46. Using display layers to organize our rig.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
47. Organizing the scene and using selection handles.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

47. Organizing the scene and using selection handles.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
48. Creating custom attributes.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

48. Creating custom attributes.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
49. Using the Connection Editor to drive values.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

49. Using the Connection Editor to drive values.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
50. Writing your first expression.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

50. Writing your first expression.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
51. Adding a speed setting for the expression.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

51. Adding a speed setting for the expression.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011
52. Using Set Driven Key to simplify the rigging process.flv نرم افزار و سخت افزار

52. Using Set Driven Key to simplify the rigging process.flv

آموزش مايا 2011 از شركت digital tutors _ Digital.Tutors.Introduction.to.Maya.2011