Begging and the end of Children of Israel (1-a)

Jews consider themselves descendants of tribes that at the beginning of the second millennium BC were settled in southern Mesopotamia and then migrated to
Friday, July 29, 2016
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مؤلف: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Begging and the end of Children of Israel (1-a)
  Begging and the end of Children of Israel (1-a)


Translator: Davood Salehan


Jews consider themselves descendants of tribes that at the beginning of the second millennium BC were settled in southern Mesopotamia and then migrated to the land of Canaan. Next generations migrated to Egypt. They were subjugated by Pharaohs’ oppression in Egypt and had an excruciating life. Around 1350 BC, Moses announced his religion that unlike the religions of Mesopotamia and Egypt and Canaan was based on the foundation of worship of one God, and he moved them into the land of Canaan in a famous migration. They were fully settled in Canaan, and in the late years of second millennium BC staged their first government in the area.
There is not a lot of information about the above clans during their stay in Mesopotamia. We know that they have been of Aramaic-speaking branch of the Semitic people who were not recognized as an ethnic or linguistic entity; at the beginning they were called "Hebrews" and then were called "Children of Israel". They became known as the "Jewish" only from exile of a group of their elders in Babylon (598-539Pysh BC), because the exiles were from the tribe of Judah.
The oldest inscription in which the name of Israel is mentioned belongs to the Meranpetah, Pharaoh of Egypt (1224-1214 BC). He attacked the land of Canaan in the fifth year of his reign and wrote in his inscription as follow:
Kings were defeated and said hello...
Tahnu was destroyed
Hatties’ lands became calm
Canaan was robbed, and disaster fell on it...
Israel was sad...
Palestine became a widow for Egypt
All lands were united and calm prevailed over all people
He who was disruptive went in prison of Meranpetah Shah (king).
Aramaic origin
According to traditions of the "Old Testament", Noah (who is the same as "Zyusudra" in Sumerian mythology and "Utnapishtim” in the Babylonian mythology) had three sons that after the "storm" the human race was created of their descent:
Sam, the first son, is descent of Aramaic, Assyrian, Hebrew, northern Arab tribes and Elamite nations.
A second son, Japheth, is the ancestor of the tribes of north of the Black Sea and the Caucasus, Median, Ionian and Cyprus.
The third son named Ham was cursed by the father and was ordained that his generation be always defeated by dependents of his other brothers. Ham had sojourned in Egypt. His three sons are ancestors of the people of the southern coast of the Red Sea, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Morocco; and the youngest son, called Canaan, is the ancestor of the ancient inhabitants of East Mediterranean (Phoenicians).
In the Islam world, this division was different in some cases. For example, in the sixth century SH / twelfth CE. Abulfazl Meybodi considered the above race categorizing in this way: Japheth is the "Father of the Turks and the Caspian and Saqlab and Tarys and Mansak and Kemari and Sin (China)" and other inhabitants of the East. "Ham is the father of blacks; Indus and India and Chains and Qabt and Ethiopia and Nobeh and Canaan ". And of five sons of Sam the rest of the inhabitants of the earth were created: Eram, father of 'Ad and Thamud, Aalem, father of Khorasan, Yafar, father of Rome, Aswad, father of Persia, and Arfakhshd, ancestor of the Arabs.
As we can see, in Meybodi’s division, Iranians and Arabs are relatives and are considered as Sam's descended.
Division of the "Old Testament" in some cases lacks in race and linguistic foundations. For example, Canaanites (Phoenicians) along with the Egyptians have been considered as Hami’s relatives, but they are closer to the Hebrew in language and culture than the Egyptians. Elamite perhaps because of proximity to the Assyrians have been identified as Sami people, but today we do not know them this way. In Jewish historiography Israel’s Aramaic links are not considered well, and in the ethnic breakdown, the "Old Testament" also as we have seen, Aramaic and Hebrew have been introduced as two distinct branches; Hebrews are from descendant of Arfakhshd, the third son of Sam, Aramaic people are descendant of the youngest son of Sam, Aram. However, on more precise examination of the Aramaic origin of the tribes of Israel and profound impact of Aramaic traditions and culture on them is evident even to continuous centuries after their immigration to the land of Canaan.
First abode of Aramaic people is northeast regions of the Arabian Peninsula; a land in which Sumer and Akkad governments emerged in the third millennium BC, and the ancient city of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham, was there.
Ur is a city in the far south of the Euphrates and northeast of the Arabian Peninsula, which was located on the banks of the Euphrates and the Persian Gulf and was the southern city of Sumer in the middle of the third millennium BC. Ruins of Ur exist which are located in 350 kilometers of southeast of Baghdad, and today, due to geographical changes its distance with the Persian Gulf coast is 255 km. The ruins have been excavated repeatedly by Archaeologists in serious ways since 1853 CE. The excavations indicate that the above city since the first half of the third millennium BC was at the height of its glory and prosperity and was the center of the Sumerian king's authority development. Around 2360 BC, at the time of Sargon I (Sherum Kin), it placed in the territory of the state of Akkad which was the first Sami state. From the late third millennium, the city became center of Ur’s kings (1950-2060) that the scope of their governance was throughout the South of Mesopotamia and parts of the Elam (Khuzestan) land. Archaeologists estimate that at the beginning of the second millennium BC, more than Five hundred thousand people lived in the city of Ur. At this time, Ur was the main focus of the worship of the moon god in the region. The ruins of massive temple of Ur dating back to around the year 2500 BC expressed the importance and religious centricity of the city in the above period. In the early second millennium, the government of Ur was collapsed under the pressure of Elamite people from the Northeast and nomadic tribes of Sami Amor of the West (Syria), and after that the city of Ur was in the territory of the Amorites city-states. The first two centuries of the second millennium BC, is the era of competition and struggle between Amorite city-states until finally in 1792 or 1728 Hammurabi came to power and created the powerful Babylonian Empire.
In the early second millennium BC exactly at the time that Amorite city-states were collapsing and Babylon Empire was raising from inside it, Sami population groups, who are known as Aramaic tribes, emigrated to north and west and settled in Syria and Northern areas of the Euphrates River. In discoveries of the ancient city of Mary of the city-states of Amory in southern Mesopotamia, nearly 20 thousand valuable historical documents are obtained that had belonged to the archives of the courts of the ancient city of Amory. The documents which date back to around 1850 BC have mentioned the Euphrates Northern Territory as "Aram-Nahrym". The documents show similarity of language and culture of people of that time of Amory city with primary Hebrew.
In some traditions of the "Old Testament", the family of Abraham sometimes call themselves as Aramaic, and even Jacob, founder of the Children of Israel, calls Abraham, his ancestor, as "Aramaic displaced":
Then you admit the presence of your Lord, Yahova, and say my father was Aramaic displaced person and went down into Egypt with a few numbers and accepted loneliness and there became a huge and great nation.
In addition, the family of Abraham is close relatives with Aramaic people. Abraham's brother, in the name of Nahor, is the grandfather of a man named Aram; Isaac, son of Abraham, marries an Aramaic girl and first wife of Jacob is also Aramaic. Name of the region is "Aram-Nahrym" which have been received from the documents of the city of Mary esophagus and matches with the name of family of Nahor.
Around half of the second millennium BC, the Aramaeans were established on the territory of Syria, Mesopotamia, Assyria, and Babylon. In the "War Scroll" which was found in important discoveries of 1947 in the edge caves of "Dead Sea", habitats of Aramaeans is mentioned in the "beyond Euphrates". Since Tyglet Pileser I’s inscriptions, king of Assyria (1076-1116 BC.) archaeological data about Aramaeans is rich. Tyglet Pileser says in his fourth year of reign he defeated Aramaeans and captured six villages of them in south-east of the Euphrates. Since the early first millennium BC, the Aramaeans established their independent states on the territory of Syria and Mesopotamia. In narrations of the "Old Testament" this Aramaeans’ states have been mentioned frequently.
Aramaeans had advanced culture and alphabet which played an important role in the evolution of human culture and language. In the first centuries of the first millennium BC, Aramaic language and alphabet was the most common language and script in West Asia, and some researchers believe that Scythian alphabet In India which was created around the year 600 BC, is manifestly influenced by Aramaic.
In new linguistics divisions we recognize Aramaic language as Northern branch of Semitic languages, Arabic as South branch, and Hebrew and Phoenician (Canaanite) languages as its Western branch. Placement of Aramaic culture and language is more than this, and in fact, it should be considered as the "mother" of Arabic and Hebrew languages. Note that since the beginning of the first millennium BC to the fifth AD century, Aramaic was fully spread across the Arabian Peninsula and was considered as an important commercial and diplomatic language which was widespread in the area of East Mediterranean to southern Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula and was the main center of world civilization at that time. Jews also spoke in Aramaic before return from “the Babylonian exile", that is about 1,300 years after settling in the land of Canaan. Aramaic culture’s impact of on Israel is beyond the language. In Aylya the prophet’s revolution against the aristocracy in Israel, as we shall see, Aramaeans especially Rekabi clan find a decisive role in the history of Israel, and these are the ones who revive traditions of Mousavi monotheism among Israelis in the face of the invasion of Phoenician "Baal-worship".
Since the occupation of the Syrian Aramaic state by the Assyrian empire (732 BC) the Aramaic language and alphabet became business and diplomatic language of this government, and after the conquest of Babylon by the Achaemenids (539 BC) it became official alphabet and language of the Achaemenid as well. The secret of quick overcoming of Arabic language and calligraphy in Iran during Islamic era should be sought in this long history.
Abraham was of Sam’s descendant and was born in Ur around 1900 BC. He emigrated from Ur to Haran, a city in north-eastern side of the Euphrates and trade routes of Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean and then went to Canaan. In Canaan, his first son of his second wife, Hagar, was born and was named Ishmael.
According to Jewish legend, before the birth of Ishmael, an angel appeared to Abraham and said that the child "will be a wild man" and has permanent conflicts with everyone, and "Twelve presidents" and "a great nation" will be created of him. Narrators of the "Old Testament" clearly express a profound hatred of Ismail. For example, the death of Ismail is explained in such a way: "And the life of Ishmael was a hundred and thirty-seven years; that he died and joined his people."
It is strange that in the "Old Testament" there is no explicit reference to the name of the "great nation", but there are scattered references to the twelve tribes of Ishmael, who have large herds of camels and sheep and used to live in the eastern neighbors of Israel. There is no doubt left that the meaning is the Arabs. For example, "God of Israel" promises the “elected” people in such way:
The richness of the sea will be returned to you and the nations’ state shall come into you ... all the flocks of Kedar will be gathered unto thee, and rams of Nabayut will serve you.
Nabayut (Nabat) and Kedar are two of the twelve tribes of Ishmael. Hostile mention of the "Old Testament" about nature and destiny of Ishmael and hatred and his tribes makes it clear that the current text of the "Old Testament" in a time has been adjusted that Arabs were considered as serious enemy of the Jews, and this is only in the Islamic era. Given that the current text of the "Old Testament" is been published based on copies that age of the most ancient one of them only dates back to the ninth and tenth CE. Centuries / third and fourth SH.
This is perfectly reasonable and possible. A clear example of manipulation of narratives OF "Old Testament" can be seen in the story of Abraham’s migration from Ur. In "Genesis" states: "son of Tareh took his own son, Abram ... and went out from Ur”. Attribution of the Ur city to Chaldeans shows that the above text has been manipulated at a time later than Chaldeans’ time.
Semitic nomadic Chaldean tribes are new ethnic that were created in the first centuries of the first millennium BC. They lived in the Arabian Peninsula and fought with the Assyrian empire. The oldest reference to their name is in the Assyrian Nasyrpal the second’s inscriptions (859-884). Chaldeans occupied the city of Ur led by Nebupulaser in 623 BC. and founded their own state. Chaldean kings of Babylon, Nebupulaser and his son Nebuchadnezzar, were allies of the Iranian Elam and the Medes governments. As we can see, "Old Testament" has called city of Ur as "Ur of the Chaldeans" in the time of Abraham about 1,300 years before the domination of Chaldeans over it.
According to Arab legends, Ishmael was born in Arabia and his sons were ancestors of the twelve tribes of Northern Arab. In this narrative also Nabet is the first child, and the name of the other tribes is in compliance with the story of the "Old Testament". According to Ibn Hisham, "the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael or Qahtan’s generation", and Qahtan bin Aaber, who is known as the ancestor of the Yemeni people, is descended from Sam.
It should be added that the names of six tribes of the twelve tribes of Arabs (Nabet, Kedar, Adbyl, Hadad, Domeh, Mesa, and Tyma are carved in the Assyrian inscriptions and inscriptions of northern Arabia. Thus, the age of ancient Arabic religious and ethnic myths is independent from Jewish myths, and there is no scientific evidence to regonize Jewish sources as the first or the only source of knowledge of myths and the history of the Arabs. On the contrary, the impact of Arab tribes (Ismaili) in the ancient history of Israel can be absolutely traced in present texts of the "Old Testament"
The first Arab influence on the children of Israel is in the name of "Judas", fourth son of Jacob and the founder of the tribe of Judah; that means in a sense that is placed in foundation of Judaism.
The meaning of the name "Judas" is not clear. In "Genesis" This name means "praise" and "gratitude". However, some linguists do not consider this as the correct meaning and know its root as Arabic "Vahd" which means low land or office; the lands of the tribe of Judah was placed in low part of Israel land, or at the beginning the post or position of Judah or the Jewish tribe was inferior than the others and then they raised themselves up.
Among Ismaili tribes at least we find two names which are associated with the history of Israel: Hadad and Nabat.


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