Sterilized campaign

In 1882, when the Jews of Europe came together to think of a choice for compensating their status of being scattered , "Herzl" proposed forming "Jewish Agency"
Sunday, July 30, 2017
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Sterilized campaign
Sterilized campaign

Translator: Davood Salehan


Why did not communism fight against Zionism?
Jewish upbringing of socialist leaders
In 1882, when the Jews of Europe came together to think of a choice for compensating their status of being scattered , "Herzl" proposed forming "Jewish Agency" in his famous book, and the nineteenth century Europe witnessed the reign of socialism in their communities. Still many top leaders of the school of scientific socialism such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Louis Blanc, Nikolai Cherny Shefsky, Jean Zhuras and others were alive, but none of them spoke against the Jewish national slogan despite slogans in defense of the rights of nations and disapproval to the spread of nationalism so to adopt their positions against growing process of Zionist racism. Not only they did not pay attention to this important issue, but in this regard, they did not leave the smallest guidance for the leaders of second generation of the communist world such as Kautsky, Bernstein Feuerbach, Chelkhanof, Lenin, and so on. Lack of attitude towards the development of Jewish nationalism was perhaps because many of the leaders and theoreticians of the school of socialism were born in Jewish families, and at least till their youth they were influenced by Jews' culture and teachings, and thus were unable to free themselves from their original learning about Judaism and could not lack in loyalty to it:
.1 Karl Marx (1868-1883) German socialist and materialist philosopher, founder of the International Workers of the World and the first person who gave a scientific basis to labor movement of today by socialism, was born in the town Terro in Ren Prussia in a Jewish family.
2. Ferdinand Lassalle (1825-1864) famous socialist and founder of Social Democracy in Germany, was born in a very wealthy German Jewish family.
3. Wilhelm Witling (1808-1871) famous missionary and great Socialist organizer of Germany was an illegitimate child of Jewish parents.
4. Lenin, Vladimir llyich Ulyanov (1840-1924), founder of the Communist regime in Russia and the first individual in Soviet Union that formulated the political-organizational, revolutionary strategy as well as some historical and philosophical principles. The mother was a Jewish woman.
5. Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) the main partner of "Lenin" in the Russian Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and Commissioner of foreign affairs and Commissioner of War in the revolutionary Cabinet and one of the greatest theoreticians of Marxism had Jewish father and mother.
6. Felix Dezrshnsky (1878-1927), leader of the Cheka [K. G. The next] was a very cruel Jew. In the History of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia it is reported that he had told in the cabinet meeting: "Do not think I am trying to find a revolutionary administration of justice. Administration of Justice does nothing for us. We should not have long question and answer. I just want one thing: the revolutionary purification organization. He shot 8398 people down in 1981 and the first months of 1919 in 20 provinces in central Russia and from 1917 to 1923 in Soviet Russia 187 thousand people were executed on his orders. In the nineteenth century, by the time the Zionists did everything to develop their thought and organizational issues,, socialist leaders also gave scientific new dimensions to their publication and scientific activities and they were much powerful that Socialist Proudhon was adopted as the member of the Constituent Assembly of France.
The ear of publication of sacred books
In 1840, 64 years after the formation of Jewish Community Nuranyan, many works were published about the role and goals of socialism. Among published writings in the year, three books were of the utmost importance including "the inconvenience organization" by Luee Blan of the great leaders of socialism, "Exploring Aykarpya" by famous socialists, Atin Kobe and "What is private property?" by Pyrzhozeph Proudhon. However, Proudhon's writings are in 30 volumes and involve a variety of issues. Weitling also wrote books "What is happening with humanity and how should it be?", "providing freedom and harmony" and "The poor sinner Gospel". He was one of the founders of "fans of justice cult" from what "Communist League" came into being. In Congress by the EU in November 1847 in London, Marx and Engels had the mission to adjust a paln that included experience and theoretical analysis and scientific commands to publish and thus Communist party declaration and the "Manifesto" arose. In 1849, Ferdinand Lassalle, famous socialist, in addition to writing books on philosophy, wrote two-volume book of human rights. In1842, bourgeoisie radical leaders of Rhine state founded a newspaper called "Rhine newspaper" in Cologne. The newspaper was published since the first January 1842, and Marx and Bruno Bauer were the main authors. In October 1842, Marx was at the helm of the newspaper. The newspaper was publisher of Marx's ideas and its tune was getting worse and ore intense day to day, and almost published all important papers all the time.
In September 1844, Marx along with Frederick Engels published a book called "The Holy Family" and then they jointly wrote the book "The German Ideology". In 1847, Marx published another book entitled "Poverty of Philosophy" which is one of the most important of his works. When the 1848 revolution began in Belgium, Marx, who was himself one of the creators, fled to Paris fearing of being arrested and he took refuge in Germany as he might have been prosecuted there,. After the March 1848 revolution, he settled in Cologne, Germany. Marx published New Era of Rhine newspaper in Cologne called "New Rhine Newspaper" and he was editor too. Although in revolutionary years of 1848-1849 and later, Marx believed in transformation of "immediate bourgeois revolution to the proletarian revolution", but from early 1850, he discovered his theory was wrong and clearly saw that the era of revolution is finished and started promoting Theory of "peaceful evolution of capitalism and the resurgence of the oppressed" for the new campaign, and because of this he was called "coward", "mercenaries" and "traitors of the revolution" by workers and the masses of poor communities. In 1846, protest against the intervention of foreign governments in eradicating Poland, First International was founded, and Marx was elected as a member of the central council of the population and he was in charge of leadership of all organizational aspects. Setting all declarations and resolutions of the international Central Committee was his responsibility and because he was the first secretary of the Central Council he also contacted all international branches. In 1867, the first economic and historical book of his called as "Capital" was published.
When protest of poor people was beginning in 1871 in Paris, Marx was among the leaders of this movement; a movement that led to slaughter due to Marx and Bakunin's wrong direction. In 1874, he published his famous book "the eighteenth Brumaire Louis Bonaparte". In the book he discussed the nature and causes of the results of Paris defeat. After the First International dissolution, Marx was still 10 years away from his home and was staying in London. His biography shows that over the years, he had been in connection with all liberal and famous people all over the world and he had information about the situation in different societies. In the study we read that the leaders of the various movements in areas even in the Ottoman Empire [which included the Palestinian and Arabic territories] came to London to meet him. In this time he started making slogans that neither he implemented them nor did they realize by others. Slogans such as: "work for the world", "I am a child of the world and I will work wherever I am ", "Science should not be an egotistical talent and initiation, scientists must be the first ones who service humanity." After his death, supervision and guidance of all the Marxist tendencies of the world was responsible of "Friedrich Engels" for several years. Earlier he had written books "The origin of the state and family and private property" and "anti-Duhring". It is said that Engels congratulated the leaders of this movement by observing rise of popular movements in Tsarist Russia and he had predicted tsarist Russian revolution and social revolutions of the world by telling logical reasons!
War with non-Jewish capitalism
published books and journals by the leaders of socialism and protest such as and revolution in Europe in 1848-1849, the First International in 1864, the Paris Commune [uprising of the poor of the city] in 1871 and its monitoring by the leaders indicate that the socialist school of the start of the genesis of the idea of Zionism in the nineteenth century, had power and ability to fight this idea and also it proves that in none of these journals and protests there was no action even a mention or a resolution to what happening in Switzerland. To show the power of socialists it is enough to say that the socialist Proudhon was elected for the French Constituent Assembly. The same person wrote about various topics in 30 books, and he did not dedicate even one book to "Zionist racism" and did not express objectives of "Nuranyan Association of Jews" formed in 1776. While Witling advocated the slogan of humanity did not write even a line about the genesis of the idea of Zionism and Jews' Promised Land. Communist League that on the basis of their political platform claimed to be universal revolutionary struggle chose silence against racist propaganda of Jewish rabbi, Rashurun, in Czechoslovakia. Marx has not mentioned a thing about the Jewish trusts or monopoles in "Capital" book and he did not insert anything against growth of Jewish nationalism in the newspaper "Rhein", which was released under his own supervision. Ferdinand Lassalle forgot to discuss the rights of people destroyed under the yoke of Jewish greedy capitalism in his law books.
Marx, as the first international leader and the father of socialism, issued several statements on a variety of subjects including philosophical, economic, political and social subjects, but he had a quite passive position to what was evolving in his neighboring country [Switzerland]. He constantly reminded the danger of growing nationalism in European countries, and he knew that one of the main factors of the emergence and rise of Zionism was the influence of nationalist movements in Europe in the late nineteenth century. Contrary to what the Communists say the first International was formed in association for Solidarity of Workers of the world, the movement was formed as result of suppression of greedy and speculator Polish capitalists by the local government of Poland and Tsarist Russia and to defend leaders of Socialism for mentioned capitalists by title of fight against "anti-Semitism ". Lack of needed means of communication cannot be prevent the great liar of the communists that leaders of communism could not be informed of the Jews in Europe and other countries, because:
.1 primary votes of Jews originated in Switzerland which was neighboring country of France and the headquarter of most of the socialist leaders.
2. In 1874, headquarter of General Assembly was transferred to America and the last International Congress was formed in America in Philadelphia this year.
3. Marx spent time on how is production in Asian countries and the dependence of farmers on the issue of water and in this way he was aware of big feudal and started writing a book titled "Asiatic mode of production".



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